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FullStep Latino

Step in to the beat! Energizing workout.

  • 1 hour
  • 13 euros
  • Waldeck Pyrmontkade 115

Service Description

FullStepLatino Workout is a fitness program where you combine single-step movement patterns as an aerobics way to create a Choreography class with Latin dance moves count 32 music. This program is designed to provide a full-body workout that improves cardiovascular endurance, strength, and coordination, plus your skills to memorize Choreography in a fun and different way to build it up an incredible class. Participants use a step platform to perform choreographed routines incorporating Latin dance steps such as merengue, hip-hop, and cha-cha. The Workout also includes strength-training exercises such as lunges and squats. During a FullStepLatin Workout, participants can expect to use the step platform to perform a variety of dance moves and strength-training exercises. The focus is keeping the heart rate elevated while building strength, memory, and endurance. This program can be an excellent option for anyone who wants to improve their fitness level while adding a fun and challenging element to their workout routine.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy Classes: When you make a reservation, you will receive a confirmation email. Please note that you can cancel or change your reservation free of charge up to 8 hours before the start time of the class due to unforeseen circumstances. To cancel or reschedule your reservation, you can do it on the system or contact us at least 8 hours before the scheduled start time of the class. You will be charged for the class if you cancel or reschedule within 8 hours of the start time. If you have any questions about our cancellation policy or need to change your reservation, please message us. Courses: Once you have registered for the course, you must attend all the scheduled classes. We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, but we urge you to try to attend all classes as scheduled. If you have any questions about our cancellation policy or need to notify us of a missed class, please get in touch with us as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to your commitment to the course. All classes and courses are final sales and are not refundable. Once you have registered and paid for a class or course, there will be no refunds.

Contact Details

  • Waldeck Pyrmontkade 115, 2518 JR Den Haag, Netherlands


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