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Salsa Cubana Course

Are you ready to start your Salsa Cubana Dance Journey? The Salsa Course will start on Monday 8 April

Salsa Levels





Bringing a partner is not obligatory, but inviting as many leaders as possible is recommended.


We are focused on the international community, so classes are taught mainly in English, but we also speak Spanish.


A Cuban salsa course typically involves learning the basic steps and techniques of Cuban salsa, also known as casino salsa. 

This salsa style is characterized by its circular movements, Afro-Cuban rhythms, and fluid partner work.


Over ten (10) weeks, students will learn basic steps, turns, combinations, musicality, and techniques for leading and following. 


The course may also cover Cuban body movement, footwork, and the history and cultural significance of salsa music and dance from Cuba.


Each class may begin with a warm-up and review of previously learned material, followed by introducing new steps and combinations. 

Our instructors are experienced and passionate dancers who will guide you through each step, from the basic footwork and timing to the more advanced techniques and combinations. We guarantee that you will feel the groove and rhythm of salsa by the end of our program.


Let's Dance

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