In January 2023 our dance members Denis, Els, and Peter submitted a project to request a subsidy:
"Geld voor je kunst" the project was evaluated by a jury, and they agreed to give a subsidy to develop.
The main thing is to invite people to move and provide this experience to everyone for free for 10 weeks; the project will be on.
Check the schedule for more details.

10 Weeks for free! Fantastic
This is amazing! With this project, we invite everyone to join us for free, NO EXCUSES; all you need to do is register in advance and share the information with your network personal o social media you choose!
Save the dates: Saturday 11:00
March 4-18
April 1-22
May 6-20-27
Jun 3-17-24

Dansen in de Buitenlucht
Welcome to Dancing Outdoors, a 10 Weeks project designed to help people enjoy the benefits of dancing while enjoying the fresh air.
We aim to get people dancing outside at least two Saturdays a month, rain or shine.
Our outdoor dance classes are held every other Saturday from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the Sports Campus Zuiderpark The Hague.
Our location provides the perfect backdrop for dancing, surrounded by the park's lush greenery.
And even if it rains, we have a covered area where we can continue dancing, so the weather won't hinder our fun.
Dancing is a great way to stay active, socialize, and have fun; dancing outdoors adds more enjoyment to the experience.
So join us for an hour of movement, music, and fresh air.
We welcome everyone, from beginners to experienced dancers, to come and dance with us in the beautiful setting of the Zuiderpark.
Join us for Dancing Outdoors and make the most of your Saturdays!